Page: 56 Eiusdem Logica tripartita. In 4to Romae 1639. Author: Gonzalez, Francisco Title: Logica tripartita Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: Roma Year: 1639 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: M Copies: 2 Shelf mark: 32 VUB: BAV 57.4.10Show in page Eiusdem Philosophia naturalis de Physico auditu. In 4to Romae 1645. Author: Gonzalez, Francisco Title: Philosophia naturalis de Physico auditu Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: Roma Year: 1645 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: M Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 32 VUB: BAV 57.4.10aShow in page Total: 2.