Index: Place of publication

Page: 7

Author: Arnù, Niccolò

Title: Clypeus philosophiae thomisticae [...]

Volumes: In 6 compactur


Format: In 8vo

Place of publication: Béziers

Year: 1672

Rankraščio pastabos: In Fine habet[ur] de motione 1mi Motoris.


Shelf: M

Copies: 1

Shelf mark: 48

VUB: BAV 57.9.21 (t.1, p.1), BAV 57.9.21 (t.1, p.2), BAV 57.9.21 (t.3-2), BAV 57.9.21 (t.4, p.1-2), BAV 57.9.21 (t.5), BAV 57.9.21 (t.6)

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