Page: 8 Anonymi Ars cogitandi sive Logica. in 12 Londini, [s.a.] Author: Arnauld, Antoine Title: Logica, sive Ars cogitandi [...] Volumes: Font: Format: In 12 Place of publication: London Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: Copies: 1 Shelf mark: VUB: -Show in page Page: 20 Bytneri Praxis Gram[m]aticae Hebraicae. Londini 1635. Author: Bythner, Victorinus Title: Praxis grammaticae Hebraicae Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: London Year: 1635 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: X Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 29 VUB: 0Show in page Page: 132 Rohault Tractatus Physici Tomi 2 in 8vo Londini [s.a.] Author: Rohault, Jacques Title: Tractatus physicus Volumes: Tomi 2 Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: London Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: Copies: 1 Shelf mark: VUB: -Show in page Total: 3.