Page: 9 Bahusij Epigrammata. In 12mo Antverp[iae] 1616. Author: Bauhuis, Bernard Title: Epigrammata Volumes: Font: Format: In 12mo Place of publication: Antwerpen Year: 1616 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: 1 Shelf: Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: 0Show in page Page: 100 Martialis Epigrammata in 12mo. Amstelodami [s.a.] Author: Martialis, Marcus Valerius Title: Epigrammata Volumes: Font: Format: In 12mo Place of publication: Amsterdam Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: -Show in page Total: 2.