Page: 47 Flavij Josephi Iudaei opera. Genevae 1635 Author: Flavius, Josèphe Title: Iudaei opera omnia Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: Genève Year: 1635 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: BAV 33.2.3Show in page [Flavius, Josèphe] et [= Iudaei opera] In Fol. Francof.[urti] 1580 Author: Flavius, Josèphe Title: Iudaei opera omnia Volumes: Font: Format: In Fol Place of publication: Frankfurt am Main Year: 1580 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: K Copies: 2 Shelf mark: 66,126 VUB: -Show in page Total: 2.