Page: 139 [Seneca, Lucius Annaeus] [opera omnia] 4tu[m] exemplar Parisijs 1607. Author: Seneca, Lucius Annaeus Title: Quae extant opera Volumes: 4tu[m] exemplar Font: Format: Place of publication: Paris Year: 1607 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: N Copies: 4 Shelf mark: 114. 115. 116. 117 VUB: -Show in page Eiusdem Opera Tam Philosophi qua[m] Rhetoris. In 12mo [S.l.] 1609. Author: Seneca, Lucius Annaeus Title: Quae extant opera Volumes: Font: Format: In 12mo Place of publication: [S.l.] Year: 1609 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: N Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 195 VUB: -Show in page Total: 2.