Page: 103 [Fox Morcillo, Sebastian] Item Foxius De Philosophici studij ratione. [S.l.] [s.a.] Author: Fox Morcillo, Sebastian Title: Item Foxius De Philosophici studij ratione Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: [S.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: 2 Shelf: Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: BAV 59.8.21/1Show in page [Ringelberg, Joachim Sterck van] Idem Auth[or?] Ringelbergii [?] [S.l.] [[s.a.] Author: Ringelberg, Joachim Sterck van] Title: De ratione stvdii liber, vere aureus Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: [S.l.] Year: [[s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: 3 Shelf: Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: BAV 59.8.21/2Show in page [Erasmus Roterodamus, Desiderius] It[em]q[ue] Roterdamus [i. e. Erasmus Roterodamus, Desiderius] et [S.l.] [s.a.] Author: Erasmus Roterodamus, Desiderius Title: De ratione studii liber vere aureus Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: [S.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: 4 Shelf: Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: BAV 59.8.21/3Show in page Le-Noble Szkoła Swiata in 8vo [S.l.] [s.a.] Author: Le Noble, Eustache Title: Szkoła świata, albo Nauka jednego ojca, dana synowi swemu, jak ma żyć i postępować na świecie Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: [S.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: N Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: BAV 44.8.12 Kaliningrad, 1755Show in page Nadasi Ioannes S. J. Annus Caelestis. in 8vo [S.l.] [s.a.] Author: Nadasi, János Title: Annus caelestis, Iesu regi, et Mariae reginae sanctorum omnium sacer Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: [S.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: P Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: -Show in page Neumar S. J. Theatrum Asceticum In cubiculo P[atrum] Concinat[orum] a Dominicis volumi in 4to [S.l.] [s.a.] Author: Neumayr, Franz Title: Theatrum asceticum sive Meditationes sacrae in Theatro Congregationis Latinae B.V. Mariae ab Angelo salutatae exhibitae Monachii Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: [S.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: P Copies: 1 Shelf mark: VUB: BAV 16.5.24 , BAV 16.5.24a - Ingolstadt, Augsburg, 1758Show in page Ejusdem Mundus in maligno positus in 4to [S.l.] [s.a.] Author: Neumayr, Franz Title: Mundus in Maligno positus Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: [S.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: P Copies: 1 Shelf mark: VUB: BAV 16.5.24a - München, 1754; BAV 39.8.56b - Ingolstadt, Augsburg, 1754Show in page Neumayr Francisci Idea Rhetoricae in 8tavo [S.l.] [s.a.] Author: Neumayr, Franz Title: Idea Rhetoricae Volumes: Font: Format: In 8tavo Place of publication: [S.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: T Copies: 1 Shelf mark: VUB: BAV 39.9.30 - München, Ingolstadt, 1756Show in page Mevii jurisconsulti in civilib[us] Consilia Volumen 1 [S.l.] [s.a.] Author: Mevius, David Title: Consilia posthuma, varia et perfecta eruditione referta Volumes: Volumen 1 Font: Format: Place of publication: [S.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: I Copies: 1 Shelf mark: VUB: Bav 23.1.1t - Frankfurt, Stralsund, 1680Show in page Mevii [Mevius, i. e. Mevius, David] eiusdem Decisiones Vol[umen] 1 [S.l.] [s.a.] Author: Mevii [Mevius, i. e. Mevius, David] eiusdem Title: Decisiones super causis praecipuis ad summum tribunal regium Vismariense delatis Volumes: Vol[umen] 1 Font: Format: Place of publication: [S.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: I Copies: 1 Shelf mark: VUB: -Show in page Mennochi Ioannis . S.J. Commentarii in totam scripturam cum supplemento P[atris] Renati Tournemine S. J. trib[us] tomis comrehensi, in una compactura in folio [S.l.] [s.a.] Author: Menochio, Giovanni Stefano Title: Commentarii totius Sacrae Scripturae ex optimis quibusque auctoribus collecti Volumes: Trib[us] tomis comrehensi, in una compactura Font: Format: In folio Place of publication: [S.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: C Copies: 1 Shelf mark: VUB: BAV 3.1.11t - Venezia, 1758Show in page Page: 105 Obersultz Thesaurus Theologicus. In 8vo [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Obersulz, Franz Karl von Title: Thesaurus Theologicus, Iuridico-Canonicus Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: G Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 74 VUB: (Vienna Austriae, 1698; BAV 11.8.14)Show in page Okolski Orbis Polonus seu Chronica. Unius exemplaris Tomi 3 simul ɔpacti [i. e. compacti]; alterius vero Seorsim In Folio [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Okolski, Szymon Title: Orbis Polonus Volumes: Unius exemplaris Tomi 3 simul ɔpacti [i. e. compacti]; alterius vero Seorsim Font: Format: In Folio Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: L Copies: 2 Shelf mark: 196,465 VUB: (Cracoviae,1643; T. 2 BAV 42.2.10)Show in page Eiusdem Idem opus [i. e. Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus] In Folio [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Olaus Magnus Title: Idem opus [i. e. Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus] Volumes: Font: Format: In Folio Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: L Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 380 VUB: -Show in page Olivarius Valentinus de Prophetia et Spiritu Prophetico In 4to [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Oliver, Pedro Juan Title: De prophetia et spiritu prophetico liber lectu dignissimus Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: D Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 277 VUB: -Show in page Oraei Assenheim viridariu[m] Hieroglyphico morale. In 4to [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Oraeus, Heinrich Title: Viridarium Hieroglyphico-Morale Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: G Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 15 VUB: -Show in page Page: 106 Eiusdem Homiliae. Tomi 4. Compacturae 2. In Folio [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Origenes Title: Homiliae Volumes: Tomi 4. Compacturae 2 Font: Format: In Folio Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: B Copies: 1 Shelf mark: VUB: -Show in page Orichovij Fidei Catholicae Confessio. In 8vo [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Orzechowski, Stanisław Title: Fidei catholicae confessio Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: D Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 239 VUB: -Show in page [Orlandini, Nicola] Idem de Vita Petri Fabri S. J. In 8vo [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Orlandini, Nicola Title: Vita Petri Fabri Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: Q Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 33 VUB: -Show in page Eiusdem De Trinitate et Angelis Incarnatione. In Fol. [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Ortega, Christophorus de Title: Tractatus duo, de Trinitate, nec non, Incarnatione […] Volumes: Font: Format: In Fol Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: F Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 49 VUB: -Show in page Ortelius Theatr[um] orbis terrar[um]. Tomi 2 seorsim [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Ortelius, Abraham Title: Theatrum orbis terrarum Volumes: Tomi 2 seorsim Font: Format: Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: Æ Copies: 1 Shelf mark: VUB: -Show in page Eiusdem Wzor Korony Polskiey: [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Orzechowski, Stanisław Title: Qvincvnx, tho iest wzor Korony Polskiey na cynku wystawiony Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: 1 Shelf: Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: -Show in page [Orzechowski, Stanisław ] Item Dialog okolo exekucyi Polskiey Korony. [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Orzechowski, Stanisław Title: Dyalog albo Rozmowa około Exequucyey Polskiey Korony Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: 2 Shelf: W Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 46 VUB: -Show in page Eiusdem opus Concionu[m] totu[m]. In 8vo [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Osorio, Juan Title: Tomus primus [-quintus] concionum […] Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: E Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 71 VUB: -Show in page Eiusdem alterius editionis Tomus prior. In 8vo [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Osorio, Juan Title: Tomus primus [-quintus] concionum […] Volumes: Tomus prior Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: E Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 72 VUB: -Show in page Eiusdem De Iustitia et de vera Sapientia. In 8vo [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Osório, Jerónimo Title: De vera sapientia, libri quinque Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: F Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 166 VUB: (BAV 59.8.15/2, Coloniae Agrippinae, 1582)Show in page Ostermannus de Collatione Legitima Rom: Imperij Ferdinando III. In 4to [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Ostermann, Petrus Title: Iustus Rōmaio-Basilikos Stephanos, Id Est Legitima & Germana Regia Romana Corona Serenissimo [...] D. Ferdinando III. […] Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: L Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 143 VUB: (S.l., 1640- BAV 22.6.4)Show in page Ostrowski Universae rat[io]nalis Sc[ienti]ae Controversia. In 4to [s.l.] 1722 Author: Ostrowski, Kazimierz Title: Singulares universae rationalis scientiae controversiae Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: 1722 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: M Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 139 VUB: -Show in page Page: 107 Eiusdem Dissertatio Iuridico Politica de Iure publico Rom:[ani] Imperij. Vittebergae. [1632] Author: Otto, Daniel Title: Dissertatio iuridico-politica de jure publico imperii Romani Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: Wittenberg Year: [1632] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: 1 Shelf: Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: BAV 23.7.16/1Show in page [Horatius Lutius] Item Horatius Lutius de Privilegijs Studentiu[m]. [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Horatius Lutius Title: Tractatus de privilegiis studentium Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: 2 Shelf: I Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 198 VUB: -Show in page Eiusdem opus Palatinum de triangulis. In Fol. [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Otho, Lucius Valentinus Title: Opus Palatinum De Triangulis Volumes: Font: Format: In Fol Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: R Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 95 VUB: -Show in page Oveni seu Audoeni epigram[m]ata. In 16to [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Owen, John Title: Epigrammatum Joannis Audoeni Cambro Britanni Oxoniensis Volumes: Font: Format: In 16to Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: U Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 72 VUB: -Show in page Ovidij Libri Tristiu[m], Fastor[um] et de Ponto. In 8vo [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Ovidius, Naso Publius Title: Fastorum lib. VI, Tristium lib. V, De Ponto lib. IV Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: U Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 38 VUB: (laida-1599 m. BAV 34.5.23)Show in page Oviedo S. J. In 1ma 2dae D. Thomae p[ar]tes 2 seorsim. In Fol: [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Oviedo, Francisco de Title: R.P. Francisci de Oviedo in primam secundae divi Thomae Volumes: Font: Format: In Fol Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: F Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 88 VUB: BAV 6.1.4tShow in page Page: 109 Pagnini de Sancte Interpraetata Sacra Scriptura. [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Pagnino, Sante Title: Interpraetata Sacra Scriptura Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: A Copies: 1 Shelf mark: VUB: -Show in page Eiusdem Thesaurus Lingvae Sacrae. In 4to. [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Pagnino, Sante Title: Thesaurus linguae sacrae […] Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: X Copies: 2 Shelf mark: 5. 20 VUB: -Show in page Page: 110 Papinij Statij Poëmata. In 16to [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Statius, Publius Papinius Title: Poëmata [...] Volumes: Font: Format: In 16to Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: U Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 78 VUB: -Show in page Paravicini Polianthea Sacror[um] canon[um]. Tomi 3 seorsim. In Folio [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Paravicini, Giovanni Paolo Title: Polyanthea Sacrorum Canonum Coordinatorum Volumes: Tomi 3 seorsim Font: Format: In Folio Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: H Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 13 VUB: -Show in page Eiusdem de Regno et Regis Institutione. In 8vo [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Patrizi, Francesco Title: De regno et regis institutione libri IX […] Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: N Copies: 3 Shelf mark: 156. 162 VUB: BAV 59.8.40; II 3339Show in page Page: 111 Pauli Burgensis Scrutinium Scripturar[um]. In Folio [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Paulus Burgensis Title: Scrutinium scripturarum [...] Volumes: Font: Format: In Folio Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: D Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 54 VUB: -Show in page Pauli de Palatio. In 12. Prophetas Com[m]entarius. In 8vo. [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Palacio, Paulus de Title: In XII prophetas quos minores vocant, commentarius [...] Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: C Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 108 VUB: -Show in page Peckij ad Regulas Iuris Canonici Comentarij. In 4to [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Peck, Pierre Title: Ad regulas iuris canonici commentaria Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: H Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 177 VUB: -Show in page Pelbarti de Temezwar: Pomeriu[m]. Tomi 2 Seorsim Gottico Typo. [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Temesvári, Pelbárt Title: Pomerium [...] Volumes: Tomi 2 Seorsim Font: Gottico Typo Format: Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: E Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 4 VUB: -Show in page Pelbarti Pomeriu[m] Sermonu[m] de Sanctis. [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Temesvári, Pelbárt Title: Pomerium sermonum de Sanctis [...] Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: 1 Shelf: Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: -Show in page Page: 112 Pentheri Praxis Geometrica in 2 tomis in folio [s.l.] [s.a.] germanice Author: Penther, Johann Friedrich Title: Praxis Geometriae [...] Volumes: In 2 tomis Font: Format: In folio Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: germaniceSammelbände: Shelf: Z Copies: 1 Shelf mark: VUB: -Show in page Peregrini Conciones de tempore et Sanctis. Gottico. In 8vo. [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Peregrinus Oppoliensis Title: Sermones Peregrini de tempore et de sanctis […] Volumes: Font: Gottico Format: In 8vo Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: -Show in page Eiusdem. In Evangeliu[m] Ioannis. Tomus prior In 4to. [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Pereyra, Benito Title: In Evangelium B. Ioannis [...] Volumes: Tomus prior Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: C Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 124 VUB: -Show in page Eiusdem In Apocalypsim In 4to. [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Pereyra, Benito Title: In Apocalypsim [...] Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: C Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 124 VUB: -Show in page Peresius. de Divinis Apostolicis et Ecclesiasticis traditionibus. In fol.[io] [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Pérez de Ayala, Martín Title: De divinis, apostolicis atque ecclesiasticis traditionibus [...] Volumes: Font: Format: In fol.[io] Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: D Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 36 VUB: -Show in page Perotti Institutiones gramaticae In 4to [s.l.] [s.a.] Lacer. Author: Perotti, Niccolò Title: Grammaticae institutiones [...] Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Lacer.Sammelbände: Shelf: V Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 24 VUB: -Show in page Page: 113 Petavius de Ecclesiastica Hierarchia. In Fol[io] Cracov:[iae] 1583. Author: Petau, Denis Title: De ecclesiastica hierarchia Volumes: Font: Format: In Fol[io] Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: 1583 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: D Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 306 VUB: -Show in page 1234567891011121314151617Total: 839. Showing: 451-500.