Page: 3 [Alexandri ab Alexandro] Et [= Genialium dierum libri sex] In 8vo utrumq.[ue] Hanoviae. 1610. Author: Alessandri, Alessandro Title: Genialium dierum libri sex varia ac recondita eruditione referti […] Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo utrumq.[ue] Place of publication: Hanau Year: 1610 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: L Copies: 2 Shelf mark: 291. 226 VUB: III 10964Show in page Page: 4 Idem de Virtutum adeptione. In 12mo Col:[oniae] Agrip:[pinae] 1615. Author: Álvarez de Paz, Jacobo Title: De virtutum adeptione, sive De instrumentis assequendae virtutis libellus Volumes: Font: Format: In 12mo Place of publication: Köln Year: 1615 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: P Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 191 VUB: BAV 12.5.44Show in page Page: 6 Ejusdem Ep[isto]la ad Sigismundu[m] III Reg:[em] Pol:[oniae] cu[m] Defensione Societatis. In 8vo. Cracov.[iae] 1620. Author: Argenti, Giovanni Title: De rebus Societatis Iesu in regno Poloniae. Ad serenissimum Sigismundum tertium, Poloniae & Sueciae regem potentissimum […] Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: Kraków Year: 1620 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: Q Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 91 VUB: BAV 21.5.8Show in page Page: 8 Avendani S. I. Problem[m]ata Theologica. In Fol:[io] Antverpiae 1668. Author: Avendaño, Diego de Title: Problemata theologica [...] Volumes: Font: Format: In Fol:[io] Place of publication: Antwerpen Year: 1668 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: F Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 191 VUB: BAV 7.2.15/1-2Show in page Page: 12 Ejusdem Explanatio In Psalmos. In 4to Colon[iae] 1611. Author: Bellarmino, Roberto Title: Explanatio in Psalmos Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: Köln Year: 1611 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: D Copies: 3 Shelf mark: 91 et sequentib[us] VUB: BAV 2.5.15Show in page Page: 14 [Bessoldus] [Synopsis politicae doctrinae] Et Amstelodami 1643. Author: Besold, Christoph Title: Synopsis politicae doctrinae Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: Amsterdam Year: 1643 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: N Copies: 2 Shelf mark: 191. 92 VUB: 0Show in page Page: 25 Cento Horenij Clypeus Laureatus adversus Haereticor[um] Sagittas. In 4to Romae 1643 Author: Centoflorenius, Ludovicus Title: Clypeus Lauretanus adversus haereticorum sagittas Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: Roma Year: 1643 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: D Copies: 2 Shelf mark: 91. 92 VUB: -Show in page Page: 30 Cornaei Curriculu[m] Philosophiae Peripatheticae In 4to Herbipoli 1657 Author: Cornaeus, Melchior Title: Curriculum philosophiae peripateticae, uti hoc tempore in scholis decurri solet […] Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: Würzburg Year: 1657 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: M Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 91 VUB: BAV 57.5.8Show in page Cornelij Nepotis Vita excellentiu[m] Imperator[um] In 12 Lipsiae 1680 Author: Nepos, Cornelius Title: De excellentibus viris ac imperatoribus Volumes: Font: Format: In 12 Place of publication: Leipzig Year: 1680 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: L Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 91 VUB: (BAV 35.3.3b - S.l.,s.a. [ca. 1690]; BAV D 136 - Londini, 1762 m.; BAV D 473 - Bipons, 1788 m.)Show in page Page: 32 Eiusdem Polonia. Item Continuans Vaporiu[m] Item Calimachus de Vladislau. Item Karnkovius de electione Regis. Solikovius de Funere Sigismundi. Varsevicius. Probus. Heidensteijnis. etc In Folio Col:[oniae] agr:[ippinae] 1589 Author: Kromer, Marcin Title: Polonia, sive de origine et rebus gestis Polonorum libri XXX. Oratio funebris Sigismundi primi regis [...] Volumes: Font: Format: In Folio Place of publication: Köln Year: 1589 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: L Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 191 VUB: -Show in page Page: 56 Gonsales Ord[ininis] Praedic[atorum] De vita S. Rosae Limanae. In 12mo Varsav[iae] [s.a.] Author: González de Acuña, Antonio Title: Rosa occidentalis Indiae seu compendium vitae B. Rosae de S. Maria Limanae Volumes: Font: Format: In 12mo Place of publication: [Warszawa Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: K Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 191 VUB: -Show in page Page: 57 [Variorum???] [popiežiai???] Regulae, Constitutiones et ordinationes Apostolicae Cancellariae. [S.l.] [s.a.] Author: [Variorum???] [popiežiai???] Title: Regulae, Constitutiones et ordinationes Apostolicae Cancellariae Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: [S.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: 3 Shelf: I Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 191 VUB: -Show in page Page: 82 Eiusdem Enchiridion militiae Xtianae [i.e. Christianae] In 12 Colon[iae] 1607 Author: Landsberg, Johannes Justus Title: Enchiridion Militiae Christianae, Ad Novitatem Vitae, quae in Christo Jesu est, perfecte instituens Volumes: Font: Format: In 12 Place of publication: Köln Year: 1607 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: P Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 291 VUB: -Show in page Page: 87 Lubienski Episco:[porum] Poloc Ploc:[ensium] Historico-Politica opera de motu Civili In Polonia. In Fol antverp[iae] 1643 Author: Lubieński, Stanisław Title: Opera posthuma, historica, historico-politica, variique discursus, epistolae, et aliquot orationes[ …] edita ab executoribus testamenti Volumes: Font: Format: In Fol Place of publication: Antwerpen Year: 1643 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: L Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 191 VUB: -Show in page Page: 95 Mastrij de Mendula in Lib:[os] Sententiar[um] Disputa[ti]ones. Compacturae 2 In Folio Venetijs 1684. Author: Mastri, Bartolomeo Title: Disputationes theologicae. In primum librum sententiarum […] Volumes: Compacturae 2 Font: Format: In Folio Place of publication: Venezia Year: 1684 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: F Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 91 VUB: BAV 6.2.7/1-2Show in page Page: 101 Eiusdem [!] Sertum Philosophicu[m] Floribus et Folijs etc consertum. In 4to Lucae 1680. Author: Neri, Giovanni Battista Title: Sertum foliis, floribus, fructisque selectis ex universa philosophia a menta peripeteticorum longe consertum Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: Lucca Year: 1680 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: M Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 91 VUB: BAV 57.4.3Show in page Page: 103 Novelli Tomus 2ndus Regular[um] ad reliquas Regulas Petri á Duenas. In 8vo Venetijs 1567. Author: Novello, Giacomo Title: Tomus II. Regularum ad reliquas regul. Petri a Duenas Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: Venezia Year: 1567 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: H Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 191 VUB: BAV 23.7.22/1Show in page Page: 114 Eiusdem Idem opus [= Comitia sapientum]. [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Petrycy, Jan Innocenty Title: Comitia sapientum […] Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: Kraków Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: O Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 91 VUB: -Show in page Pezarski S. J. Historia Domus Oginscianae In 4to Varsav[iae] 1732. Author: Pezarski, Andreas Title: Annibal ad portas, Vlodimirus monarcha Russiae, in facie et acie ducum et heroum, illustrissimae Oginscianae Domus [...] Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: [Warszawa] Year: 1732 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: L Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 391 VUB: BAV 70.6.11Show in page Page: 115 Eiusdem opera omnia cu[m] Com[m]entarijs. In 8vo Tyguri 1560 Author: Pindarus Title: Olympia Pythia Nemea Isthmia […] Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: Zürich Year: 1560 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: U Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 91 VUB: -Show in page Eiusdem Olympia In 8vo. [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Pindarus Title: Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia Graece et Latine […] Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: [Heidelberg] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: 1 Shelf: Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: BAV 32.3.15/1Show in page [Plautus] Plauti Quaerolus sive Aulularia etc [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Plautus, Titus Maccius Title: Querolus, sive Aulularia [...] Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: [Heidelberg] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: 3 Shelf: U Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 191 VUB: BAV 32.3.15/3Show in page Page: 119 Eiusdem Instructio audiendar[um] Confessionu[m]. In 12. Posnan.[iae] 1577. Author: Powodowski, Hieronim Title: Brevis et methodica instructio audiendarum confessionum […] Volumes: Font: Format: In 12 Place of publication: Poznań Year: 1577 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: G Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 91 VUB: -Show in page Page: 127 Reusneri orationes de Bello Turcico In 4to [s.l.] 1596 Author: Reusner, Nikolaus von Title: Selectissimarum Orationum et consultationum de bello Turcico Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: 1596 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: T Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 191 VUB: BAV 41.10.6Show in page Page: 129 Roberti Stephani Thesaurus Lingvae Latinae. Tomi 4 In Folio seorsim compacti Basileae 1746 Author: Estienne, Robert Title: Thesaurus linguae latinae Volumes: Tomi 4 Font: Format: In Folio seorsim compacti Place of publication: Basel Year: 1746 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: T Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 291 VUB: -Show in page Page: 130 Eiusdem In Dom[inicales] et Fest[ivitates] Concion. 2 Tomi in 8vo [s.l.] [s.a.] Author: Royaerds, Jean Title: Homilie in epistolas dominicales, et festivitates sanctorum iuxta literam Volumes: 2 Tomi Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: E Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 91 VUB: -Show in page Page: 145 [Stobée, Jean] [Sententiae] In Folio [S.l.] Et 1543 Author: Stobée, Jean Title: Ἐκλόγαι ἀποφθεγμάτων Volumes: Font: Format: In Folio Place of publication: [S.l.] Year: Et 1543 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: N Copies: 2 Shelf mark: 91. 123 VUB: BAV 33.1.30Show in page Eiusdem ad Philippu[m] Comitem Appianu[m] [!] de exercita[ti]onibus Rhetoricis In 8vo. Argentorati 1575. Author: Sturm, Johannes Title: Ad Philippum comitem Lippianum de exercitationibus rhetoricis Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: Strasbourg Year: 1575 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: T Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 191 VUB: -Show in page Page: 147 Eiusdem Prawo Saskie y Maydeburskie. In Fol[io] Posnan[iae] 1610. Author: Szczerbic, Paweł Title: Speculum Saxonum albo Prawo saskie y maydeburskie Volumes: Font: Format: In Fol[io] Place of publication: Poznań Year: 1610 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: I Copies: 2 Shelf mark: 91 92 VUB: -Show in page Eiusdem Conciones in Domini; Rok skarbowy In Folio. Viln[ae] 1722 Author: Szyrma, Antoni Title: Rok skarbowy dzieł Pańskich niedzielnemi kazaniami ogłoszonych do dni skarbowych albo swiątecznych kazań dołożony Volumes: Font: Format: In Folio Place of publication: Vilnius Year: 1722 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: W Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 191 VUB: BAV 13.1.6pShow in page Page: 152 Eiusdem de Imita[tio]ne Xti. [i.e. Christi] Latino-Graecu[m] opus. In 12mo aug:[ustae] Vindel:[icorum] 1615 Author: Thomas a Kempis Title: De imitatione Christi latinograecus Volumes: Font: Format: In 12mo Place of publication: Augsburg Year: 1615 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: P Copies: 2 Shelf mark: 91,306 VUB: -Show in page Eiusdem Idem opus. In 16to Cracoviae et alibi [s.a.] Author: Thomas a Kempis Title: Opera Thomae a Campis […] Volumes: Font: Format: In 16to Place of publication: Kraków Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: P Copies: 4 Shelf mark: 386,388,390,391 VUB: -Show in page Page: 170 Wetweys Compendiu[m] Controversior[um]. In 8vo. Col:[oniae] agr.[ippinae] 1641. Author: Vetweis, Bernhard Title: Compendium controversiarum fidei huius temporis, ad seductarum animarum reductionem [...] Volumes: Font: Format: In 8vo Place of publication: Köln Year: 1641 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: L Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 191 VUB: BAV 9.7.14Show in page Total: 32.