Page: 20 Bielski Hist. Pol. tom[us] 1m[us] [s. a. [s. a.] Author: Bielski, marcin Title: Kronika polska Volumes: Tom[us] 1m[us] Font: Format: Place of publication: [s. l.] Year: [s. a.] Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: 0Show in page Page: 121 Pufendore Introductio in historia tom[us] 1m[us] [s.l.] [s.a.] gallicè Author: Pufendorf, Samuel von Title: Introduction à l'histoire [...] Volumes: Tom[us] 1m[us] Font: Format: Place of publication: [s.l.] Year: [s.a.] Rankraščio pastabos: gallicèSammelbände: Shelf: BB Copies: Shelf mark: VUB: -Show in page Total: 2.