Page: 20 Bzovij Historiae Ecclesiasticae Tomi 2 simul. In Folio Colon[iae] Agr[ippinae] 1617. Author: Bzowski, Abraham Title: Historiae ecclesiasticae [...] tomus I[-III] Volumes: Tomi 2 simul Font: Format: In Folio Place of publication: Köln Year: 1617 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: K Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 124 VUB: 0Show in page Ejusdem Sertu[m] gloriae S. Hiacynthi [!]. In 4to. Venet[iis] 1598. Author: Bzowski, Abraham Title: Sertum gloriae S. Hyacinthi Poloni Volumes: Font: Format: In 4to Place of publication: Venezia Year: 1598 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: E Copies: 1 Shelf mark: 53 VUB: 0Show in page Total: 2.