
Page: 24

Author: Cartagena, Juan de

Title: Homiliae catholicae de sacris arcanis Deiparae Mariae et Iosephi

Volumes: Tomi 4. In 2 ɔpacturi. [i.e. compacturi] In uno 4to


Format: In 4to [4°]

Place of publication: Köln

Year: 1641

Rankraščio pastabos:


Shelf: E

Copies: 1

Shelf mark: 18

VUB: (BAV 15.3.4 - Coloniae Agrippinae, 1625 m.)

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Page: 42

Author: Engelgrave, Heinrich

Title: Caeleste Pantheon, sive caelum novum, in festa et gesta sanctorum totius anni [...]

Volumes: Partes 2. In uno 4to


Format: [4°]

Place of publication: Köln

Year: 1671

Rankraščio pastabos:


Shelf: E

Copies: 1

Shelf mark: 32

VUB: [BAV 15.5.9 - 1657 m.]

Show in page

Page: 128

Author: [Anonymus]

Title: Item Ildefonsi opera

Volumes: In uno 4to


Format: [4°]

Place of publication: Douai

Year: 1625

Rankraščio pastabos:

Sammelbände: 3

Shelf: B

Copies: 1

Shelf mark:

VUB: -

Show in page

Page: 156

Author: [Modzelewski, ?]

Title: Item vita Anchieta, Petri Canisij etc authore Modzelewski

Volumes: In uno 4to


Format: [4°]

Place of publication: Vilnius

Year: 1603

Rankraščio pastabos:

Sammelbände: 2

Shelf: W

Copies: 1

Shelf mark: 17

VUB: -

Show in page

Author: Tournély, Honoré

Title: Praelectiones theologicae […] De Deo et divinis atributis […]

Volumes: In uno 4to


Format: [4°]

Place of publication: Venezia

Year: 1746

Rankraščio pastabos:


Shelf: G

Copies: 1

Shelf mark: 204

VUB: BAV 9.8.4

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Total: 5.