Page: 12 Ejusdem De Arte bene moriendi. De Felicitate Sanctor[um], ac 7 verbi a Xti [i. e. Christi] in Cruce p[ro]latis, Deq[ue] gemitu In 12mo Colon[iae] Agrip[pinae] 1626. Author: Bellarmino, Roberto Title: De arte bene moriendi libri duo Volumes: Font: Format: In 12mo Place of publication: Köln Year: 1626 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: P Copies: 4 Shelf mark: 318. 319. 320. 321 VUB: 0Show in page Page: 73 [Iustinianus] [opera] Tertiu[m] vero Venetijs 1617. Author: Iustinianus, Laurentius Title: Opera [...] Volumes: Font: Format: Place of publication: Venezia Year: 1617 Rankraščio pastabos: Sammelbände: Shelf: L Copies: 3 Shelf mark: 319. 320. 321 VUB: -Show in page Total: 2.